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Giulia M.
Dec 8, 202417 min read
Malaysia: one of the most underrated destinations in South-East Asia
It took me a while to write this article, to collect all the experiences and advice that I hope can be useful to those who are organising a
Giulia M.
Jun 9, 20246 min read
10 things not to miss in Porto (plus two ideas for trips out of town)
Scherzi a parte (ma quali scherzi? 😅), qualche settimana fa sono stata con le mie amiche in Portogallo, a Porto. Il piano originale era ben
Giulia M.
Mar 7, 202415 min read
Travelling through the spectacular Philippines: such an unforgettable adventure
I'm back, after months of absence, with a (modestly) incredible article which, already a couple of days after returning, many people have as
Giulia M.
Aug 24, 202313 min read
Bologna 101: a guide to places, food and other attractions to visit in a weekend
In all this time I have been collecting and sharing experiences and travel advice made in various parts of Italy and the rest of the world.
Giulia M.
Jun 26, 20237 min read
Western Crete: dream beaches, relaxation and lots of garli... ehm food
Tra tutti i posti incredibili che non avevo ancora visto, fino a poche settimane fa rientravano anche le isole greche. Per rimediare a quest
Michela M.
May 24, 20236 min read
10 must-see things to discover Paris
Hi everyone, I'm Michela, Giulia's sister - as many of you will already know, and today I'm going to tell you about 10 things not to miss to
Giulia M.
May 17, 20236 min read
6 things to do in Madrid in just two days
About two months ago I had the opportunity to spend a few days in Madrid for a corporate event, at the end of which *extraordinary event* my
Giulia M.
Apr 3, 20237 min read
Some ideas of what to do in and "around" Sydney (considering Australian distances)
I know, it's almost April and I am ridiculously late on this. But here I am, telling you a bit about Australia, where I spent some time last
Giulia M.
Feb 8, 202314 min read
Bali recap and why you should believe the hype, plus some tips to organise the trip
For the first time since I started this blog, I can officially say that this one about Bali is a super anticipated article (by no less than
Giulia M.
Oct 17, 20228 min read
Barcelona for beginners (like me): places not to miss, plus some overrated ones
I know I know, I should just be ashamed of myself - but I had never been to Barcelona before. I had been living in blissful ignorance of not
Giulia M.
Sep 11, 20229 min read
One week in Portugal: Lisbon and Costa de Prata
Pictured above: one of the very rare occasions during this holiday when we were able to admire the beauty of the Portuguese sun.
I had been
Giulia M.
Jul 24, 202210 min read
Tenerife, the Canary Islands' wonderful combination of sea and mountains
Ormai l'avete capito, sono una grande amante delle Canarie e, a questo punto, oserei dire anche esperta (in basso, alla fine del post, trova
1 comment
Giulia M.
Jun 21, 20224 min read
5 things you do not want to miss in Warsaw
Come forse qualcuno di voi sa, mia sorella si trova a Varsavia, per fare i suoi sei mesi di Erasmus (tale sorella, tale sorella :) ).
Giulia M.
May 25, 20229 min read
A week in Andalusia: from Cádiz to Malaga, with a stop in Seville
My friends and I had been thinking about organising a touring holiday in the south of Spain for a while. After weighing up various options,
Giulia M.
Mar 23, 202211 min read
Fuerteventura's incredible places, food, surf and nature
When I came back from Lanzarote last year (if you want to know more about it, click here), I immediately told myself Fuerteventura is next.
Giulia M.
Jan 27, 20225 min read
Lake Garda and surroundings: walks, food and relax
First idea was to road-trip through southern Spain and Portugal - from Malaga to Faro. After the umpteenth Covid wave at the end of December
Giulia M.
Sep 29, 20218 min read
North-Western Sicily: magical sunsets, delicious food and incredible sea
Sicily has always held a special place in my heart. When I was younger, my family and I used to go every summer to our house near Marsala to
Giulia M.
Aug 26, 20214 min read
7 things to see and do in and around Rovinj
I had the opportunity to spend my second week of holiday in Rovinj, Croatia. A beautiful fishing village on the Istrian coast, nestled on a
Giulia M.
Jul 7, 20217 min read
South-working in Cilento: Scario's wonders
Scario is a small fishing village, part of the municipality of San Giovanni a Piro, overlooking the beautiful Gulf of Policastro and the slo
Giulia M.
Apr 11, 20217 min read
Exploring Lanzarote: the island of wind, magical colours and impressive volcanoes
Ebbene sì, siamo anche noi tra gli italiani "scappati" in Spagna durante la pandemia. Non mi dilungherò troppo sulle futili critiche fatte a
Mar 21, 20213 min read
Viaggiare in Ecuador durante una pandemia
A settembre prevedendo l’arrivo della fatidica “seconda ondata” pandemica e senza troppi motivi per rimanere in Italia, io e D abbiamo decis
Giulia M.
Jan 20, 20216 min read
Me and Antonella braving the harsh January weather in two wonderful Nordic cities
I don't know about you, but I do personally miss travelling so freaking much! I had so many trips planned for 2020 and it is quite sad...
Giulia M.
Oct 24, 20204 min read
Memories of escaping to Gran Canaria in October 2018
In this super uncertain period, in which we have no clue when we would have the chance to start travelling safely again, I thought I would b
Giulia M.
Sep 23, 20205 min read
Remote-working in Tuscany: Piombino and Isola d'Elba
The plan was a different one.
From 14 to 21 September we were supposed to be in Crete, working remotely from a flat by the sea in some remo
Giulia M.
Aug 15, 20205 min read
A week in Sardinia: itinerary, food and various joys
Vi racconto del nostro viaggio in Sardegna.
Giulia M.
Jun 23, 20207 min read
Sri Lanka in 10 days: an astonishing country ready to be discovered
That's pretty much how it went down.
"Guys, what if we went to Sri Lanka for about ten days during the Easter holidays?" - I suggested.
Giulia M.
Jun 9, 20204 min read
Jordan in five days: from South to North
Every year we organise a "long weekend" in October/November to escape from the Italian cold weather and last year it was the turn of Jordan.
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